When bacteria change - antibiotic failure and the rise of natural pet UTI treatments

Now more than ever, the use of clinically tested, natural remedies, are needed to help stem an alarming rise in antibiotic resistance. The WHO (World Health Organization) concluded with their first report in 2014, from data in 114 countries, that antibiotic failure- is happening right now, all over the world. The good news is that even for the most common infections, such as urinary tract infections, there are natural pet UTI treatments available that can sharply reduce the need for antibiotics, thereby slowing down bacterial resistance.
Why are antibiotics failing ? Over the last 30 years, no major new types of antibiotics have been developed (1). In the US alone, > 2 million infections and 23,000 deaths are due to antibiotic resistance each year (2). The main driver of antibiotic resistance is simply put: overuse of antibiotics driven by commercial animal farming and overprescription of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine. Antibiotics are commonly used as a growth promoter and to prevent disease in inhumane, unsanitary and overcrowded living conditions found on commercial Confined AnimalFarming Operations (CAFO's) where chicken and cattle are raised.
Which infections are currently most at risk for becoming untreatable ? The WHO has identified Urinary tract infections as one of the top diseases currently becoming harder to treat with antibiotics. But there are in fact clinically proven natural pet UTI treatments that can help preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics.
Escherchia coli mediated Urinary Tract infections (UTIs)- arisk for your whole family Escherchia coli mediated Urinary Tract infections (UTIs) tops the WHO list of most common antibiotic resistant diseases, ranging from 20-90% from North America to Asia. Acute and recurrent
Escherchia coli mediated UTIs are also one of the most common pet diseases. Within-household sharing and transmission of
Escherchia coli, including in households where a member has an acute UTI, is the
norm, and can involve
any combination of humans and pets (3). Preventing infection with these common bacterial strains is therefore important for your pets health but also that of your whole family.
How can you help ensure the safety of your family ? You can reduce antibiotic use to help stem resistance and preserve antibiotic effectiveness at home and by working with your vet. How ? Switch to a natural pet UTI treatment that is
clinically proven to work, such as
Cranimals Original UTi Supplement. Published in American Journal Veterinary Research (4), and featured in Veterinary Practise News (6), Integrated Veterinary Care Magazine and Mercola Healthy Pets (5), Cranimals Original is the only
independently tested and clinically proven (4)pet UTI treatment made with cranberry extract that effectively prevents adhesion of
Escherchia coli to surfaces of the urinary tract in pets. Alongside elimination of antibiotics for reinfections/recurrences, infection related complications (struvite stone formation, incontinence and high urinary pH) are also controlled. Need even more reasons to switch to Cranimals Original?
Clinically proven both in vitro and in vivo (4)
Single ingredient with no known side effects even for sensitive patients.
Complete traceability and quality- proprietary extract manufactured by Cranimals
- Delivers the required therapeutic dose and phytocompounds to ensure maximum antiadhesion
Safe for long term use, in fact, performs better the longer it is administered.(4)
- Offer a natural, organic, non GMO product for petpatients with added antioxidant and dental health benefits.
Dr. Gary J. Duhr, DVM , Ramapo Valley Animal Hospital, NJ, USA, " Most commonly, I recommend Cranimals for patients with high pH levels, post urinary tract infections, and to decrease incidents of urinary crystals. I am also a fan of the antioxidant properties and the dental benefits. Overall, this product has made many of my clients very happy and I am pleased with the results!" Embrace the use of effective natural remedies in ensuring the health and wellness of your whole family, pets and humans included. References: 1.
- Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy. 2015. State of the World’s Antibiotics, 2015. CDDEP: Washington, D.C.
- JID 2008:197 (15 January) ● Johnson et al.
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27027843
- http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2016/09/14/cranberry-extract-uti-treatment.aspx#_edn3
- http://www.veterinarypracticenews.com/study-backs-cranberries-as-uti-fighter/
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